Casa de Saúde S. João de Deus - Barcelos

Psychiatry, Mental Health and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Care Centre, located in the city of Barcelos, which depends legally and administratively on the St. John of God Institute, a non-profit charitable entity.

Services / Specialities

Acute Psychiatry - Short-term Hospitalisation


The St. John of God Unit is an acute care unit for acute psychiatric patients or patients with a history of substance abuse.

The main therapeutic objective of this unit is the clinical stabilisation of patients and their earliest possible return to their home environment. Access to this type of assistance is made through the Psychiatry Departments or in the case of beneficiaries of health systems, after evaluation by the CSSJDB's clinical director.

Psychiatry - Medium and long-stay Inpatient Care

The long-stay inpatient units offer specialised services adapted to the various stages of mental illnesses and monitoring by professionals with specific training for their approach. Patients are met with a welcoming environment adapted to their limitations and needs. The activities of these units aim to improve the quality of life of patients and their families, through a circuit of integrated intervention by the various technicians always seeking to contribute to the autonomy of patients.


It serves psychiatric patients who are clinically stable but who do not have family support and/or social support, which would allow them to remain in or return to the community;


This unit is intended for the treatment of patients with moderate, medium and profound mental disabilities, as well as patients with personality disorders or altered behaviour;


This unit provides health care for mentally ill patients with physical dependence and moderate or high cognitive deterioration.

Geriatric Psychology


The Brother Elias Almeida Geriatric Psychology and Dementia Unit serves people diagnosed with dementia who need specialised inpatient care and/or patients with chronic mental illness aged 65 or over and with cognitive deterioration.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Residential

The concept of Psychosocial Rehabilitation is based on the belief that people can acquire and/or recover the practical skills necessary to live and coexist independently in the community by working on strategies to cope with the disabilities inherent to the illness.

In order to implement the principles advocated by this philosophy in the most appropriate and technically advanced manner, five rehabilitation units have so far been created in the Institution: two protected living units - Galo Verde and Piso Comunitário -, one autonomy training residence - Pierluigi Marchesi - and two independent living residences - Oceano and Renascer flats. Currently, 54 patients are integrated in the psychosocial rehabilitation units, being the target and protagonists of diverse and specialised interventions, according to their individual skills, in articulation with the various technicians and monitors that the Institution has available.

Patients can then be integrated and benefit from the following areas:


It can accommodate 20 patients, with the general objective of training basic daily life skills, allowing its residents to reach a satisfactory degree of independence for an improvement in QOL and a possible progression to other rehabilitation units, with the purpose of community (re)integration.


This Piso Comunitário Unit can accommodate 12 patients and was designed with a view to inserting patients with differentiated life paths, who have already been through other rehabilitation units, but have not achieved a satisfactory degree of independence that would allow their community reintegration. The psychosocial rehabilitation objectives of this unit will therefore be to maintain the skills acquired in previous paths and to strengthen the quality of life of its residents.


This unit can accommodate eight residents. Its main objective is to prepare them so that they can deal effectively with the demands of daily life. The formal duration foreseen for the permanence in this unit is one year, during which the residents have an active role in the whole process, dividing among themselves the responsibility to ensure the functioning of the unit, under the supervision of a technical team. Therefore, the objectives of this unit will be to provide individual independence, preparing residents for a possible social and community reinsertion, through their (re)training to deal in a more adequate and adapted way with the various and typical demands of daily life, to accompany and stimulate active participation in daily tasks and in the internal organization of the unit, so that each resident can attain independence.


The Oceano and Renascer Flats aim, through structured interventions, to provide individual autonomy, preparing residents to maintain the skills acquired in the autonomy training unit and empower them socially and in the community, to deal in a more appropriate and adapted way with the various demands of extra-institutional daily life. It is worth noting that, in October 2010, based on the memorandum of understanding with the Project Team for Integrated Continued Mental Health Care, the CSSJD - Barcelos was invited to carry out a pilot experience regardings the types defined for this care withing independent living units.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Occupational

Wickerwork Workshop

Pottery Workshop

Creative Activities Workshop

Ergotherapy activities

Home Care

CuiDando Project - Mobile Unit for Integrated Home Care in Mental Health

About Us

The CuiDando project consists of a mobile home care unit integrated in the Mental Health area and aims to provide permanent or occasional home care to men and/or women over the age of 18 affected by a serious psychiatric condition with prolonged evolution and a high degree of dependence and/or supervision and/or psychosocial disability. It is aimed at residents of the city of Barcelos, with a view to preventing readmissions to mental health services.

Our partnerships

Currently carried out in partnership with Barcelos City Council, the CuiDando project meets the needs of patients (and their families) and the strategic objectives defined by the National Mental Health Plan approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution nº 49/2008.

Our objectives

The objectives of the CuiDando project are essentially to support the patient and family in the transition from the hospital or network units to home, increasing the abilities of the caregiver to deal with the person with mental disorders, identify early situations of clinical decompensation and refer them to Local Mental Health Services. It also aims to improve social integration, participation and access to community resources, providing an improvement in the quality of life of patients and their informal caregivers.

Our team

The CuiDando Project team is multidisciplinary, consisting of nurses specialised in mental health and psychiatry, a social worker, a psychologist, auxiliary staff and a psychiatrist. The work is done in conjunction with all the professionals involved, so that patients can be attended to according to the priority areas to be worked on, thus providing them with a structured and focused intervention.

Who can refer patients to the CuiDando Project?

The CuiDando Projects can receive patients referred by the Psychiatry Department of the Hospital of Braga, Health Centres and USFs, Social Security, other institutions, health technicians, caregivers and other applicable persons. For this purpose, the referral form should be requested, available at the referral services or from the CuiDando's team.

Patient Admission

Under maintenance.

However, if necessary, please consult our services by telephone or e-mail.


The St. John of God Health Centre - Barcelos is certified to provide the following services:

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services:

  • Residential
  • Occupational
  • Home Care

Dementia and Geriatric Psychology Unit

About Us

About Us

St. John of God Health Centre - Barcelos (CSSJD- Barcelos) is an institution that has been in operation for nearly a century. Its entire existence can be characterised by its dedication to the sick and to society, through the commitment and hospitality of its brothers, collaborators, friends and benefactors.

We can say that this Health Centre was born on the threshold of Psychiatry as a medical speciality and that the most modern resources have been implemented here over the decades for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients always inspired by the charismatic style of St. John of God.

Because of this intervention guided by innovation, humanisation and technical and scientific quality, this institution currently plays a leading role in the provision of mental health care in the northern region of Portugal.


Diretora: Dra. Isabel Bragança
Director Administrativo e Financeiro:Dr. Luís Pedro Vieira Lousada Novo
Director Clínico:Dr. Zeferino Venade Ribeiro
Director de Enfermagem: Enf. Carlos Daniel Fernandes Violante
Responsável da Pastoral da Saúde e Social e da Animação: Ir. José Torres, sac

Superior da Comunidade: Ir. António Matias


A Casa de Saúde S. João de Deus integra no seu quadro de pessoal:

Clínicos Gerais
Enfermeiros Especialistas e Generalistas
Técnicos de Serviço Social
Terapeuta Ocupacional
Monitores de Actividades Ocupacionais e Residenciais
Pessoal da Pastoral da Saúde e Animação
Pessoal de manutenção


St. John of God Health Centre - Barcelos was founded on 4 January 1928. The first patients were admitted on 10 March of the same year. In the following years, the Centre was expanded in terms of clinical facilities, construction of new buildings and hospitalisation.

The first Superior/Director was Brother João José Caetano Pinto, until June 1928, followed by Brother Manuel Maria Gonçalves. Dr. José Baía Júnior was the first Clinical Director, between 1928 and 1939, giving consultations twice a week.

The Church, under the invocation of Our Lady of Conception, began its services on 9 January 1938. The improvement works of the Church went on, having been inaugurated twelve years later, on 8 March 1950.

The Health Centre has been expanded, both in area and in structures and equipment:

  • 1930 - St. Raphael Pavilion
  • 1940 - St. Joseph Pavilion
  • 1942 - Sacred Heart Pavilion and Central Building (which included the Church)
  • 1949 - Our Lady of Fatima Sanatorium Pavilion
  • 1951 - Opening of the Operations Room at the St. Joseph Pavilion
  • 1952 - Opening of the occupational therapy workshops
  • 1968 - Opening of the Surgical Clinic

On 1 January 1978, the Health Centre was given a new legal framework and became dependent on the St. John of God Institute.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the St. John of God Health Centre underwent great development with urban planning and remodelling of the pavilions and the farm, with the opening of the new cloister in 1984, the Bar in 1999 and the Auditorium "St. Benedict Menni Forum" with 450 seats, was opened the following year.

In 2000, it adopted a community-based care model, creating various psychosocial rehabilitation services (residential and home care).


  •  Telefone

    (+351) 253 808 210

  •  Morada

    Avenida Paulo Felisberto, 205

    4750-783 Barcelos

  •  Email


  •  #COVID-19

    A realização da visita requer um agendamento prévio. Contacte a CSSJD-Barcelos por telefone ou e-mail.


    As visitas têm, nesta fase, uma duração de 30 minutos. Se nos últimos 14 dias teve sintomas sugestivos de COVID-19 ou tenham estado em contacto com casos suspeitos ou confirmados não deve realizar visitas.


  • Medidas implementadas:

    É elaborado um registo de visitantes.

    Deve cumprir com as medidas de distanciamento físico, etiqueta respiratória e higienização das mãos.

    É obrigatória a utilização da Máscara, preferencialmente cirúrgica.

    Não pode trazer objetos pessoais, géneros alimentares ou outros produtos.

    Os visitantes apenas poderão circular nos circuitos delimitados para o efeito.

    Para mais informações solicite o Regulamento para Visitas do Plano de Contingência da CSSJD-B #COVID-19



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