Casa de Saúde S. Miguel

Psychiatric, Mental Health, Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Addiction Care Centre

Services / Specialities

Acute Psychiatry - Short-term Inpatient Unit

An independent short-term inpatient unit, integrated in a hospital for the treatment of acute mental illnesses or in another institution if articulated with a mental hospital, to provide continued and intensive clinical care and supervision, and for rehabilitation and clinical care, following hospital admission due to an acute clinical condition, relapse or decompensation of a chronic process.

The Short-Term Inpatient Care unit is aimed at clinical and functional stabilisation, assessment and comprehensive rehabilitation of the person with a potentially recoverable temporary loss of autonomy and who does not require acute hospital care.

Its main objective is to contribute to the well-being and quality of life of people with temporary loss of autonomy, potentially recoverable, who need clinical care, rehabilitation and psychosocial support, in a short-stay inpatient un it, following hospitalisation caused by an acute clinical condition, relapse or decompensation of the chronic process.

It also serves people at risk of acute decompensation for reasons related to the morbidity process or to external factors, who benefit from inpatient intervention to stabilise milder conditions, in order to avoid serious psychological decompensation.

Psychiatry - Medium and long-stay inpatient care unit

Medium and Long-term care Inpatient Units for Maximum and Moderate Care are designed for temporary or permanent care, with their own physical spaces, to provide social support and follow-up health care to people with chronic conditions or processes, with different levels of dependence and who do not meet the conditions to be cared for at home.

These units aim at the acquisition of skills, in order to facilitate, when and if possible, the discharge to home or the referral to other specific Mental Health services. This unit mainly serves people with severe or acute mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disease with marked deterioration, neurological disorders, among other conditions that cause moderate or high degree of functional limitation.

Its main objective is to contribute to the well-being and quality of life of people with temporary loss of autonomy, whether recoverable or not, who need clinical care, rehabilitation and psychosocial support, in a long-term inpatient unit, following hospitalisation or for lack of support and/or conditions appropriate to their needs.

Psychological and psychopathological aspects that arise with the ageing process are also worked here.


This specialised branch is divided into two specific areas:

  1. Treatment of alcohol-dependent patients through the psychological, family and social rehabilitation of the alcoholic patient, including medical care, nursing care, psychological evaluations and support, pedagogical sessions, assertiveness training, relaxation and sensory integration, social and family support and health and animation pastoral interventions in its intervention programmes;
  2. Drug addiction treatment, whose intervention is based on the withdrawal and/or rehabilitation of the drug-dependent user, including medical care, nursing care, assessments, psychological support, social and family support and pastoral health and animation in its intervention programmes;


There are two types of internment at the patients' disposal:

Short-term internment

  • Withdrawal from psychoactive substances, legal or illegal drugs
  • Duration: 14 days


Medium-term internment

  • Alcohol withdrawal - Alcoholism
  • Duration: 56 days
Azores Youth Rehabilitation Centre

This Centre is a biopsychosocial model with cognitive-behavioural intervention for rehabilitation, aimed at a young age group, from 14 to 24 years old, in an inpatient treatment unit, with two basic units: Withdrawal Unit and Therapeutic Community.


Withdrawal Unit

This is a short-term inpatient unit (7 to 15 days, and up to 20 days in situations of comorbidity) where, through a psychopharmacological approach, psychotherapeutic support and health education, the treatment of withdrawal syndrome is promoted in patients who do not have the individual or social conditions to do so in an outpatient setting. This unit also carries out the stabilisation/dose adjustment/transfer/discontinuation of treatment programmes with opioid agonists, as well as the treatment and stabilisation of mild psychiatric and medical comorbidities.

Therapeutic community

Long-stay Specialized Residential Treatment Unit (3 to 12 months), in an inpatient unit, where through psychotherapeutic and socio-therapeutic support, we try to help the reorganization of the internal world of patients to envisage their future. Residential space, intended to promote the bio-psychosocial rehabilitation of the patient, through a therapeutic programme articulated in different phases. It aims to promote self-control over drug use, develop personal and social skills, with a view to the self-sufficiency of patients and their full social integration.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Residential


- Its main objective is to carry out the maintenance/acquisition of skills with patients who still do not have enough skills to reintegrate into the community.

It can accommodate 10 patients, with no maximum length of stay.



The Granada Residence, an autonomy-training unit, has as its main objective to promote the necessary skills for the patients' reinsertion in the community (preparation for discharge).

It can accommodate seven patients, and the maximum length of stay in this residence is 18 months.



The Belém Residence, a maximum support unit with autonomy training in the community, has as its main objective to provide a residential environment to patients without financial conditions and family support, but with skills for reinsertion into the community.

It can accommodate five patients, and there is no maximum length of stay.



The João Cidade Residence, a unit for autonomy training in the community, has as its main objective to provide a residential environment to patients without financial conditions and family support, but with skills for reinsertion into the community.

It can accommodate six patients.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Occupational


An Occupational Activities Workshop which aims to provide patients with a safe space where they can carry out different rewarding activities, such as freehand drawing, collage, tapestry, etc.;

The Productive Activities Workshop develops a set of productive activities with the aim of promoting pre-labour practices.



They aim to facilitate the occupational/employment pathway for people who do not have the necessary skills to join the labour market in the short term. Activities include gardening, maintenance, laundry, etc.

Patient Admission

Admission of Patients to the Psychiatric Ward

The admission of patients, except for the Addiction Services, is carried out exclusively by hospital referral.


Admission of Patients to the Addiction Unit

The attending physician carries out admission to this service, after screening and triage. Admission is made in accordance with the provisions of point 2 of Clause 7 of the Cooperation Agreement between the SRS and ISJD, through the prior organisation of the respective process


Admission of Patients to the CRJA

Patients with legal or illegal drug addiction who meet the requirements for inpatient treatment at a UD/CT should be referred by the CAD intervention team at the island's health units (through the patient relocation process), by the team at the Horta Addictionology Centre (Faial Island). Alternative, they can be attended by partner institutions with intervention teams in the area of addictive behaviour and addictions, in the case of São Miguel Island in their area of residence.

The USI or institution's CAD team should complete the admission proposal and the patient's statement (in the case of minors, the respective legal guardian should complete the patient's statement) and submit it to the Regional Directorate for the Prevention and Fight against Addictions (DRPCD) - Treatment and Rehabilitation Division (DTR) for approval.

After approval by DRPCD/DTR, the team should proceed with the referral to the UD/CT.


About Us

About Us

We assist people with mental illness or addiction problems, mainly from the RAA.

The 210 inpatients are distributed across six facilities, in short, medium or long-term services. The Clinic specialized in the treatment of people with addiction problems (Drug Addiction and Alcoholism) and the Youth Rehabilitation Centre of the Azores.

In response to a need felt in the region, the institution has developed, individually and in conjunction with other institutions, dynamics within the scope of prevention of addictive behaviours, namely alcoholism and substance abuse (legal and illegal). CSSM is a partner of the Regional Alcohol and Health Forum.

Like the other facilities of the St. John of God Institute, psychosocial rehabilitation is a priority. Thus, in addition to the Residential Units (four units), there is an occupational component, which includes the Brother Brás Occupational Centre, occupational therapy, sports, recreational and productive activities, etc.

The various professionals of this establishment organize their practices in a multidisciplinary team. Psychosocial rehabilitation is present in all our activities, prioritising the participation of patients in the design of their Individual Intervention Plan, as well as the motivation to participate in structured occupational activities.


Diretor: Dr. Paulo César da Silva Braga
Director Administrativo e Financeiro: Dra. Carla Chalin Pereira
Director Clínico: Dr. João Paulo Vidal
Director de Enfermagem: Enf. Paulo César Costa Dias
Responsável da Pastoral da Saúde e Social e da Animação: Ana Rita Sousa


A Casa de Saúde S. Miguel integra na sua atividade profissionais em diversas áreas, nomeadamente:


Clínicos Gerais


Técnicos de Apoio Espiritual e Religioso


Assistentes Sociais

Terapeuta Ocupacional


Monitores de atividades ocupacionais


Pessoal das áreas de suporte (administrativos, manutenção, limpeza, armazém, etc.)


St. Miguel Health Centre is located on the island of S. Miguel, in the Azores Archipelago, near the city of Ponta Delgada. It is a Psychiatric, Mental Health and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Care Centre, founded in 1928.


Since 1 August 1928, the Brothers of St. John of God have been providing assistance to people on the island of São Miguel. Since then, the once called "quiet, agitated, furious and filthy" people have been recognised as individuals, having their dignity as human beings assured.

Over more than 90 years of activity and dedication to our community, several services have been created in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Regional Health Plans in the area of Mental Health. This has always been guided by technical excellence, scientific rigour and high quality standards, also based on the fight against the stigma that exists in society towards people with mental illnesses. During this time, we have always relied on a specialised and committed staff, and never neglected the humanising and charismatic nature of St. John of God, based on the principle of "do good by doing good".

Over the years, St. Miguel Health Centre (CSSM) has experienced different and often adverse situations. It has remained faithful to its mission and vision of the founder of the Order, living each day, with every challenge, the practice of the values that characterise it, shaped by Hospitality. However, despite the adversities of its long history, a continuous and consistent path can be seen in the assistance provided, in the attitude of the Brothers, Collaborators and Volunteers who have made and continue to make its Work a reality.

This is our "heritage" of rigour and multidisciplinary engagement, always creative and innovative, focused on the Human Being as a holistic being. We humbly take part in this Work, which we will give our contribution, in the hope of giving our best and challenging the limits of what is possible on a daily basis.

Our commitment is to honour the experience acquired and built up over time and, within the limits of our competences, to add our "cornerstone" to this ever more current and necessary Work, in the style of St. John of God.


  •  Telefone

    (+351) 296 201 600

  •  Morada

    Rua S. João de Deus, s/n, Apartado 155,

    9501-902 Ponta Delgada

  •  Email


  •  #COVID-19

    A realização da visita requer um agendamento prévio. Contacte a CSSM por telefone ou e-mail.


    As visitas têm, nesta fase, uma duração de 30 minutos. Se nos últimos 14 dias teve sintomas sugestivos de COVID-19 ou tenham estado em contacto com casos suspeitos ou confirmados não deve realizar visitas.


  • Medidas implementadas:

    É elaborado um registo de visitantes.

    Deve cumprir com as medidas de distanciamento físico, etiqueta respiratória e higienização das mãos.

    É obrigatória a utilização da Máscara, preferencialmente cirúrgica.

    Não pode trazer objetos pessoais, géneros alimentares ou outros produtos.

    Os visitantes apenas poderão circular nos circuitos delimitados para o efeito.

    Para mais informações solicite o Regulamento para Visitas do Plano de Contingência da CSSM #COVID-19



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