Casa de Saúde S. Rafael

Psychiatry, Mental Health and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Care Centre, located on Terceira Island in the Azores Archipelago, in the city of Angra do Heroísmo. It was officially opened in 1927.

Services / Specialities

Acute Psychiatry - Short-Term Hospitalisation


The St. John of God Unit is aimed at the continuation of treatment and the beginning of the psychosocial rehabilitation process, following hospital admission due to an acute clinical situation, recurrence or decompensation. Its purpose is clinical stabilisation, with a view to the acquisition of skills, in order to facilitate, when possible and if possible, the discharge of patients to home or the referral to other specific Mental Health services/resources.

Psychiatry - Medium and long-stay Inpatient Care


This Unit serves people with mental disabilities, under the age of 65. Maintenance and development of personal and social skills in order to facilitate when possible and if possible, the discharge of patients to home or the referral to other specific Mental Health services.


This Unit is intended for the continuation of the treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation process, following medium-term hospitalisation or hospitalisation due to an acute clinical situation, recurrence or decompensation when justified, according to the admission criteria. Its purpose is the acquisition of skills, in order to facilitate, when possible and if possible, the discharge of patients to home or the referral to other specific Mental Health services.

Geriatric Psychology


These units are intended for people with mental illness and aged 65 or over. It is open to younger age groups, if they have a high degree of intellectual deterioration, indicating possible pre-senile dementia or mental disability.

It aims to prevent the deterioration of patients' skills as well as to prevent the aggravation of diseases.

Alcohol dependence


This unit treats alcohol-dependent patients through detoxification and psychological, family and social rehabilitation of the alcoholic patient.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Residential



Opened in April 2000, it can accommodate 12 patients and serves people with a moderate degree of psychosocial disability due to serious mental illness, clinically stabilised without adequate family or social support. Admission criteria are preserved instrumental functionality or acquired in a previous rehabilitation process, in the areas of spatial-temporal orientation, personal care (hygiene, food, clothing), physical mobility, interpersonal relationships that enable interaction and living in a group, mobility in the community, and for those who show acceptance for participation in the psychosocial rehabilitation programme. The specific objectives of this unit are to strengthen self-care skills; develop capabilities towards the maintenance of spaces; foster group living habits; stimulate creativity in leisure activities; optimise resources management.


Opened in April 2000, it can accommodate 12 patients and serves people with a moderate degree of psychosocial disability due to serious mental illness, clinically stabilised without adequate family or social support. Admission criteria are preserved instrumental functionality or acquired in a previous rehabilitation process, in the areas of spatial-temporal orientation, personal care (hygiene, food, clothing), physical mobility, interpersonal relationships that enable interaction and living in a group, mobility in the community, and for those who show acceptance for participation in the psychosocial rehabilitation programme. The specific objectives of this unit are to strengthen self-care skills; develop capabilities towards the maintenance of spaces; foster group living habits; stimulate creativity in leisure activities; optimise resources management.




These residences were opened on 19 August 2011, can accommodate six patients each, and serve people with a moderate degree of psychosocial disability due to serious mental illness, clinically stabilised without adequate family or social support. Admission criteria are preserved instrumental functionality or acquired in a previous rehabilitation process, in the areas of spatial-temporal orientation, personal care (hygiene, food, clothing), physical mobility, interpersonal relationships that enable interaction and living in a group, mobility in the community, and for those who show acceptance for participation in the psychosocial rehabilitation programme. The specific objectives of this unit are to strengthen self-care skills; develop capabilities towards the maintenance of spaces; foster group living habits; stimulate creativity in leisure activities; optimise resources management.


This Residence was opened in 2005, it is an autonomous living unit that can accommodate 6 patients, and resulted from an initiative of St. Raphael Health Centre with the support of the Regional Secretariat of Social Affairs, which aims to continue the work of rehabilitation/community reintegration of people with mental illnesses who have been institutionalised, with psychosocial disabilities and without an alternative residence. The objective of this Residence is to encourage its residents to attain the highest level of autonomy possible within the community. The stay of each resident in the Hortênsia Residence will be defined according to the needs observed throughout the individual rehabilitation project, and may be more or less prolonged.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Occupational


The Socio-Occupational Forum - CPA is a day centre of the CSSR and ca serve 40 outpatients with temporary or permanent psychological disorders.

Its main objective is to promote autonomy, and serves people at risk of social exclusion due to their weak resources. It is characterised by a structured psycho-pedagogical intervention developed in two areas: practical and social skills.

The first is related to the training of key activities of daily living and occupation. This aspect is carried out in the areas of collective catering, laundry, greenhouses, cleaning of spaces, arts and crafts and expression workshop.

The social skills area includes rehabilitation with various activities such as cognitive stimulation, adapted sports, Portuguese, arithmetic and musical experimentation.

Ergotherapy activities are a therapeutic method applied in the rehabilitation of people with reduced functional capabilities. It consists of treatment through work, which must be adapted to each individual. Thus, the expression "ergotherapy activities" represents a set of occupations. Thus, it is applied at the St. Raphael Health Centre, as an institution dedicated to mental health. They aim to be an integral part of the psychosocial rehabilitation process.

Patient Admission


For patients of the Regional Health Service of the Azores, admission to the St. Raphael Health Centre is carried out exclusively by Hospital referral. Hence, patients must go to the Hospital of their place of residence.

For patients of other health systems, whether public or private, scheduled relief of the caregiver or home care, contacts should be made at the facilities of the St. Raphael Health Centre, with its Head of Nursing.


Referral to attend the Socio-Occupational Forum (CPA) can be made by the family or foster family, and by community institutions, with the referring technician of the social assistance service.

After contacting the Institution, an interview is scheduled and the application form is filled out.

If patients meet the necessary conditions and there are no vacancies, patients will be put on a waiting list.

In case of a vacancy, the applicant will be contacted to proceed with the admission of the patient.


The St. Raphael Health Centre is certified in the following services:

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Service: Residential, Occupational and Home Care.

Alcohol Dependence Service.

About Us

About Us

The St. Raphael Health Centre has 89 employees, including technical and non-technical staff. In this Health Centre, as in other Care Centres of the Saint John of God Institute, great attention has been given to the permanent training of the staff, promoting their participation in various programmes and creating others appropriate to previously identified needs. This ensures assistance that is always up-to-date and of recognized quality.

The number of inpatients, totalling 184, is distributed over eight units that include medium and long-stay inpatient services, acute care services and alcohol dependence services.

Intervention in psychosocial rehabilitation has been developed both in the residential area (in some of the units mentioned, skills training is carried out) and in the occupational area, namely through various professional training programmes.

It has a Training Centre, which includes the Socio-Occupational Forum, capable of receiving 40 outpatients with temporary or permanent mental disorders, with a view to their socio-family and/or professional reinsertion, or their eventual integration in training or sheltered employment programmes.

It is worth noting the work that the teams of this Health Centre have carried out in the field of alcoholism prevention.


Population assisted in our services:

  • People with mental illnesses in medium-term inpatient care;
  • People with mental illnesses in Long-term Inpatient care;
  • People with mental illnesses in residential rehabilitation and occupational programmes;
  • Psychogeriatric patients, alcoholic patients;
  • People with a history of mental illness and/or at risk of social exclusion on Training and Professional Integration courses or attending the Centre for the Promotion of Autonomy.


Capacity: 181 beds



  • Regional Health Secretariat
  • Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity
  • Other health systems
Senior Management

Director: Marco Filipe Silveira Pavão
Administrative and Financial Director:Nuno Berto Azevedo Machado
Clinical Director: Ruth Pacheco Alves
Director of Nursing: Br. Adelino Manuel Espadaneira Manteigas
Responsible for the Health and Social Ministry and Animation: Br. Joaquim Martins Ramos


Superior of the Community: Br. Joaquim Martins Ramos


The staff of the St. Raphael Health Centre:

Establishment Director

Clinical Director

Director of Nursing

Administrative Director


Pharmacy Technician

Social service technician




Social Insertion Monitor



Warehouse Faithful

Medical Action Assistant

Kitchen/Refectory Servant


General Services Auxiliary Worker

Rehabilitation Helper

Agricultural worker


Psychiatric, Mental Health and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Care Centre

The St. Raphael Health Centre was founded in 1927. Its main sponsor was Dr. Joaquim Bartolomeu Flores to whom two Brothers of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God coming from the island of Madeira knocked on his door asking for help. This act gave rise to the whole process that led to the foundation of the St. Raphael Health Centre. Various influential people responded to this challenge and the building was erected to house mentally ill patients who occupied the facilities of the former Hospital do Sto. Espírito da Santa Casa da Misericórdia.

Little by little, patients arrived from the other islands of the Central and Western Group, which gradually increased. Dr. Bartolomeu Flores, considered a pioneer in local psychiatry, was the first clinical director and, together with the Brothers, nurses and specialised technicians, as well as the religious and spiritual work also carried out by the Brothers, formed an excellent work and action team.

During the first decades of its existence, the St. Raphael Health Centre became an irreplaceable contribution not only in the treatment of patients but also in overcoming the stigma that existed in society in relation to mental patients.

During the following decades and mainly in the 1960s, there were changes in the mindset of society and families towards mental illness, in the clinical monitoring and treatment of patients, in the physical structures and human resources. An evolution that the Health Centre followed, gradually becoming a Psychiatric Hospital.

Dr. Hélio Flores Brasil took over as clinical director of the centre and remained there for over 40 years, greatly contributing to the progress of this institution, with new ideas, new practices, outpatient consultations, home care, the day hospital and the dispensary for hygiene and mental prophylaxis.

After the democratic autonomy and the consequent financial cooperation of the Regional Government, new structures and equipment, better services and humanised care that has always been the hallmark of the Hospitaller Brothers also emerged.

Following the path pursued with technical and functional competence, the St. Raphael Health Centre is today, under the management of Dr. Marco Filipe Silveira Pavão, a regional psychiatric unit at the service of about 103,000 inhabitants.


  •  Telefone

    (+351) 295 204 330

  •  Morada

    Rua Dr. Aníbal Bettencourt, s/n

    Caixa Postal 1102

    9701-902 Angra do Heroísmo

  •  Email


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