Ethics Committee
According to Decree-Law No. 80/2018 of 15 October, it is the responsibility of the Ethics Committee to ensure the exercise of medical science and the conduct of clinical research studies in strict respect for the principle of the dignity of the person and their fundamental rights, within the various levels of healthcare.
It is a technically and scientifically independent body, of a consultative nature. Its mission is to contribute to the observance of ethical and bioethical principles in the institution's activity, in the provision of health care and in the conduct of clinical research, especially in the exercise of their fundamental rights, as well as the integrity, trust and safety of the procedures in force in the respective institution (Article 2, DL 80/2018).
The members of the ethics committees shall be appointed by decision of the highest body of the institution for a term of office of four years, renewable only once for an equal period.
By resolution of the ISJD Board, the present ethics committee renewed its term of office in June 2019, ending in June 2023.