

HospitalAgro - Produção e Comercialização de Produtos Agrícolas e Pecuários, Unipessoal, Lda is a commercial company whose sole partner is the Portuguese Province of the Order of St. John of God. Its main objective is the production and trade of all the products resulting from the various agricultural holdings owned by the Province.


Horse Riding

The CHIrPC- Centro Hípico Irmão Pedro Coelho is a high quality facility, prepared to show you the World and Art of Dressage and Equestrianism. Quinta de Vilar de Frades, an estate sprawling amidst vast green fields, has an immense potential in terms of nature and landscape, where traditions and culture are revealed in a harmonious way. We have developed an innovative concept aimed at providing the community with educational, recreational, therapeutic and sporting activities.


We rely on the collaboration of a team of accredited professionals and have a wide range of services that promote the practice of horse riding in an environment of excellence, developing and stimulating healthy habits and lifestyles. We prioritise the safety and quality of the programmes we offer for the full satisfaction of our users/patients.




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