The intervention of the St. John of God Institute can be concentrated in four major areas:
1st Area of Intervention
Providing health care to people with acute mental illnesses, with intervention during the crisis, and in cases of prolonged illness, with insertion in the different units depending on their pathology and degree of autonomy;
Psychosocial rehabilitation, whose intervention aims to achieve the greatest degree of autonomy possible for the patient, seeking to improve quality of life and enhance the right to citizenship, through actions at the socio-occupational (occupational workshops and productive activity workshops) and residential levels, promoting family and community reinsertion, vocational training and professional practice. The provision of services at this level includes services in residential training units (transition) and intra-institutional and community living units, within the scope of continued Psychiatric and Mental Health care;
Treatment of alcohol-dependent patients through organic detoxification and psychological, family and social rehabilitation of the alcoholic patient, including medical care, nursing care, psychological evaluation and support, pedagogical sessions, assertiveness workshops, relaxation and sensory integration, social and family support as well as health and animation pastoral intervention in its intervention programmes;
Drug addiction treatment whose intervention is based on the detoxification and/or rehabilitation of the drug user, including medical care, nursing care, evaluations, psychological support, socio-family support and health and animation pastoral intervention in its intervention programmes;
Geriatric psychology/psychiatry, with services provided in specific structures, for elderly people suffering from psychiatric disorders, with specific, global and individualised intervention programmes.
2nd Area of Intervention
Other differentiated health care:
Orthopaedics/orthopaedic surgery, orthopaedic workshops, paediatric surgery, general surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, Physiatrics/physical and rehabilitation medicine, anaesthesiology, vascular surgery, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology and dentistry.
3rd Area of Intervention
Provision of geriatric care, at a residential level, in a structure with medical, psychological, physiotherapy, nursing and pastoral health and animation services;
Provision of continued care, on a temporary basis, with the aim of providing health care initiated during hospitalisation or for acute episodes of chronic illness.
4th Area of Intervention
Shelter for homeless people, immigrants or nationals, in humanitarian emergencies. These are temporary shelters, promoting psychosocial support and other types of action considered necessary, aimed primarily at persons in conditions of extreme vulnerability.