Rights and Duties

Rights Policy

This Rights Policy is based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe, and other international conventions on human rights, in particular those drawn up within the framework of the United Nations United. It translates into and guarantees the active involvement and participation of the user in the design, development and evaluation of the services provided.


Rights and Duties of Users

From a clinical point of view, the following are Users' rights:


1. Receive assistance that promotes a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being.

2. Receive assistance that puts all technical and human resources at the service of the person, depending on his illness and the existing possibilities.

3. Know the names of the technicians responsible for the care, treatments and exams to which they will be submitted.

4. Free choice in the face of the proposals that the technicians present to you, your informed consent being required, except in the following cases:


  • When the urgency does not allow it;
  • When you are unable to make decisions, in which case that right belongs to your family members or legal representatives.

5. Have a diagnosis of your health status, so that you can get a clear idea of ​​your situation to make decisions for yourself or, in case of incapacity, for your legal representatives.

6. Adequate care and treatment until recovery, or to the limit of therapeutic possibilities.

7. Adoption of appropriate preventive rehabilitation and health education measures

8. Adequate food and, when necessary, adapted to the clinical situation.

9. Installation and accommodation in appropriate material conditions.



Users' rights also include:


10. Spiritual and religious assistance.

11. To have general information about each of the Centers and their rules.

12. Respect for their dignity and physical or moral integrity, without any type of discrimination.

13. To have their privacy and their family and social relationships preserved, which can only be changed in case of need for welfare reasons.

14. Diligent and correct treatment by staff and other users.

15. Formulate complaints, suggestions and observations, in a proper place, with the right to reply and information about their consequences.

16. Guarantee of confidentiality regarding your clinical and personal data.

17. Written record of the entire process and, at the end of the internment, obtaining discharge information.



The family members or legal representatives of Users, in case of limitation of their capacity, are entitled to:


18. Refuse or give informed consent for possible involvement in any clinical research, training or teaching practices.

19. Obtain information about the nature of the disease, subject to the patient's interests.

20. Know the prescribed treatment, the clinical situation and the prognosis of the patient's illness.

21. Obtain evidence from each Center regarding the reasons, circumstances and duration of their internment.


Points 19, 20 and 21 must be subject to the requirements of professional secrecy.


Family members of Users have the duty to:


22. Respect the ideas of the Centers.

23. Comply with the rules that regulate the operation of the Centers and Services.

24. Provide the necessary and sufficient information for the diagnosis process and consequent therapeutic and rehabilitation program for the patient.

25. Regularly monitor the patient, not abandoning him at the Institution.

26. Collaborate in the therapeutic/rehabilitative program, in the components that concern them.



Users' duties are:


27. Actively participate, within their abilities and possibilities, in their diagnosis, treatment/rehabilitation, or other process.

28. Accurately provide the data requested regarding your illness.

29. Declare any infectious process that may pose danger to yourself or third parties and undertake to prevent its contagion.

30. Strictly observe the prescriptions and indications of the technical staff regarding your health, including the moment of discharge, when indicated.

31. Comply with the internal operating rules of each center.

32. Respect the dignity and integrity of staff and users.

33. Make proper use of facilities, furniture and utensils, with consequent liability in case of damage or violation of safety standards.

34. Respect the ideas of the Centers.


Users' rights and duties must be properly framed by the limitations arising from the proper functioning of the Services and the nature of the disease.

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