The XXX Chapter of the Portuguese Province of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God will take place in Fatima between March 28 and April 1, 2022.


The Provincial Chapters are a powerful spiritual occasion, an opportunity to listen to the Holy Spirit, to discern synodically the state of the province and to draft a mission and life project for the coming years. It demands study and preparation, to avoid falling into generic proposals lacking in any transformational power. It is not sufficient merely to organise the Chapter as an event; the Chapter must be "a fresh beginning", offering a global project for the whole Province. A Chapter must be a group of "seekers of the contemporary relevance of our charism", supported and sustained by the whole Province which is also in search of this “newness”.

(From the convoking letter written by the Prior General of the HOSJG)

You can find out more about the Provincial Chapters 2022 taking place in the different provinces of the Hospitaller Order by clicking HERE.


Program only in Portuguese HERE.

Messages to the Cahpter

Send your messages to the XXX Provincial Chapter by e-mail


News Report | March 28th
News Report | March 29th
News Report | March 30th
News Report | March 31st
News Report | April 1st
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